Jobs at St Luke's School
Browse jobs at St Luke's School .
Church of England School and part of the rapidly growing Ted Wragg Multi-Academy Trust.
St Luke’s is a wonderful place to work and is full of staff who are dedicated to improving the life chances of every student that attends the school. We work closely with other schools in the Ted Wragg Multi Academy Trust and are part of a wider family who all believe passionately in high quality education for all. We offer our staff disruption free classrooms, weekly coaching, in-house career progression, wider MAT leadership development opportunities and a high quality staff wellbeing programme.
Our vision is to ensure that our community, both staff and students live ‘life to the full’ with this being underpinned by our five core values:
• Taking responsibility
• Being inclusive
• Showing respect
• Giving hope
• Achieving your best
St Luke’s is a school that has the very highest expectations of, and for, our students. We enable each and every one of them to become ‘good stewards’ of their own lives and of the world around them by taking personal responsibility for themselves, their learning and their environment. All of our community treat one and another with dignity and respect and we are incredibly proud of our Christian ethos.
Our staff are an incredibly committed team who have a very clear goal: ‘to enable every child at St Luke’s to have the best educational experience possible, full of enriching opportunities and the right balance of support and challenge so that they achieve their very best'. We aim to enable every child to make a positive next step in their education, training and future employment so that they are fully prepared to live ‘life to the full’. We do this by ensuring that we deliver excellent teaching in every classroom day in, day out and by providing an academically challenging curriculum that is personalised for every child and promotes high aspirations and achievement. Underpinning this is a business and administrative team that is efficient and effective and provides a comprehensive level of support to enable us to get the very best out of every single student and every single member of staff.
St Luke’s is a really exciting place to work as it is a school that is driven by a desire to improve and to be the best that it can be. Our school improvement journey in the last two years has been substantial; the impact can be seen in our outcomes, student voice, parental voice and our high levels of staff retention. But we are not a school that rests on its laurels; we are a school that is driven by very high standards and a need to ensure that all improvements are consistently embedded across the whole school to ensure that they have maximum and long term impact. We have seen many successes in the last two years but we are always looking to improve further.
This is particularly true in the classroom where we focus a great deal of our work. All staff follow the St Luke’s Lesson Framework, which is based on the work of Doug Lemov and Barack Rosenshine, and all staff receive 1-1 coaching once a week to help them embed the framework because, in the words of Dylan Williams, ‘every teacher needs to improve, not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better'.
We are looking for staff who want to join a school at a very exciting time in its improvement journey. Staff who want to help us to make a difference to the lives of our children through a relentless desire to strive for excellence in all that we do.
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